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CARUSO, ENRICO. Three items: Two fragmentary Autograph Letters, one Signed, to unknown recipients [salutations not present] * Brief Let
$400 - $600
Live Auction
Fine Books & Manuscripts
Description: CARUSO, ENRICO. Three items: Two fragmentary Autograph Letters, one Signed, to unknown recipients [salutations not present] * Brief Letter Signed. The first, unsigned [last page not present], in English and Italian, stating that he is out of danger [after illness that ended American tour], giving travel plans, and complaining of the heat. 3 pages, small 8vo, "Vanderbilt Hotel" stationery, written on a folded sheet with second page written vertically across interior pages and third page written vertically on terminal page. The second, in Italian, describing and praising the opera career of his "wife" [mistress Ada Giachetti], suggesting that she accompany him on his tour in North America, and, in two postscripts, recommending [conductor Cleofonte] Campanini, and promising to send the reviews of his success in Tosca. 2 pages, 8vo, "L'Hermitage" stationary, written on the recto and verso of a single sheet. The third, to Zara Josephson, in English, informing her that "I eat everything that is good and taste[s] good, but without eccesses or esajeration [sic]." 1½ pages, small 8vo, "Hotel Knickerbocker" stationery, written on first and terminal pages of a folded sheet. - New York, [May 1921]; Monte Carlo, nd; New York, 3 January no year
Footnote: May 1921: "Of course I am out of danger now and when you will rec[e]ive this letter I will be on the ocean because we will leave next Saturday, the 28th on board of the 'President Wilson' direct to Naples. We will pass some days down there to see the rest of my family . . . ." During his tour of America at the end of 1920, Caruso became increasingly ill. When he was well enough to travel, he boarded the USS President Wilson with his family on May 28, 1921, promising to return. He died soon after, however, on August 2.